Exhausted? How to get your baby sleeping through the night in 6 easy steps!
Are you interested in having your baby sleep through the night?
Do you want to teach your baby how to sleep well?
Do YOU want a full night’s sleep so you can be the best parent you can be?
Are you considering hiring a sleep consultant?
I started this blog long ago, and around the same time I thought… I should totally get a license to become a sleep consultant. What an insanely cool job! I had such a passion for baby sleep and thought I could really help others in a profession like that.
And then I thought, I don’t want parents to have to pay astronomical amounts to get help, though, like many already do when they hire a sleep consultant. I want the information readily accessible.
And the reality is that helping your baby learn to sleep well isn’t rocket science, and there are no secrets that the sleep consultants have that the rest of us don’t have. You just have to know what to do how to put it all together- which I was already providing on the blog for my readers.
And so, instead of getting a sleep consultant license… I threw myself into my blog writing even more, and I gave one on one support to parents that reached out. It consumed a lot of my time, but it was incredible to watch and hear the results that parents were getting with their babies!
Fast forward a few years, and I decided I wanted this information even more accessible. Blogs are great, but they require some hunting to find all of the information. You have to click here, and click there, and search for this and search for that. That’s all well and good, and while I pride myself on organizing my blog well, I know it’s always a work in progress to make it more user friendly.
A book, I thought, is the perfect resource. A book has all of the information readily accessible in one place without clicking and searching. To me, especially when I have a newborn, that’s what I want. I want to hold all of the information in my hands and not waste any time searching. I want it handed to me in order, how I need to read it- silver platter ready.
And so, my book, Baby Sleep Solutions, was created.
I felt there was a gap in the parenting books out there. There were some great resources that really explained the parenting philosophies well and informed parents what to do. But none seemed to really tell parents how to do it. I read some of these books and felt my passion grow, but walked away thinking to myself “Ok, now what?”
And then I found myself figuring things out on my own and recording what was working for us on this very blog. I fine tuned things and became so passionate about learning more and more. With our second living child, I was beyond excited to try things out again, and it was so much fun and so rewarding to see everything I’d learned over the years fall into place so easily this time around, just as it had done for the other parents I’d helped.
So, when I took the plunge to write a book… I kept a few things in mind…
- I wanted it easy and quick to read – for the parent in the middle of sleepless nights.
- I wanted it straightforward – for the parent that doesn’t want to read between the lines and reinvent the wheel.
- I wanted it real – for the parent that doesn’t see it all work perfectly the first time, so they know they aren’t alone in their struggle.
- I wanted to write the HOW-TO – for the parent that just really wants the roadmap and might decide to read the philosophy later, or never LOL.
I am so proud of this book, because I think it accomplished all of those things.
I wrote this book as a mom.
A mom that knows you want that roadmap so badly.
A mom that knows that the price of a book is way more affordable and accessible to everyone than the price of a sleep consultant.
A mom that knows you need flexibility with life demands and perhaps older children.
A mom that knows these tactics aren’t magic… but rather they require some work, and it’s hard.
A mom that knows the work pays off so beautifully in the end.
A mom that knows you can do it and wants to be there with you along the way.
**I sent Baby Sleep Solutions out to several people to review. Here’s what they said…
Editorial Reviews
“I saw results with following the guidelines laid out in this book. I remember the first time I laid my daughter down in her crib for a nap and she did not cry in the moments before drifting off to sleep! It was a miracle, haha! This was an incredible feeling and to know that just following a few pointers got me there was a huge testimony to the book!” – Tisha @TishaSpeaks.com
“Villegas’ book is full of great advice and simple solutions for helping your child sleep through the night, some I had tried and some I hadn’t. She stays on point and encourages parents to keep their child’s schedule routine, simple, consistent, and quick. The book is easy to read and understand….
I found that I whole-heartedly agree with just about everything in the book. I think that much of the advice in the book is great and would definitely be helpful for a parent hoping to help their child sleep through the night.”-Sarah @MomminInTheRealWorld.com
“I read it in an entire day, it was too good to put down! It has provided me with so much good information, I would love to share it with you!
It is written by Katrina Villegas, a mother herself. She wrote this book with her background of using these sleep tools herself which each child. She has found that people who use these techniques and tools have their babies sleeping a full 12 hours each night!
It may not be an easy fix for you. These tools do take time, but they work. I have tried lots of them out and Abigail and I both sleep better because of it!”-Kate @Kateable.com
“This book just makes sense. The early weeks with a baby are exhausting and overwhelming, but this book lays out exactly how to go about teaching your baby to sleep. I strongly believe healthy sleep habits are vital for babies and moms and found this resource to be the best to help the whole family sleep well. Moms, read this one!” -Kim @Team-Cartwright.com
“I love how detailed Katrina is and how she offers sample schedules to help you get your baby on one. She also has an appendix that offers solutions to common problems in getting your baby on a schedule. For example, Katrina has a section on how to handle short naps and one on schedule changes.” -Tamra @TheNurturingParent
“…I was nicely surprised how to the point the book is. It’s a very easy read, there is no fluff and it offers practical and easy steps on how to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits.
“Katrina is a former chemistry teacher and engineer – and a mom herself – which means her writing is very concise and goes right into the practical tips without wasting any space as other parenting books do.” -Tamara @ThePomegranateMom
“My favorite parts of this book are sample sleep schedules and a section on common sleep issues like shorter naps, frequent waking up at night, and sleep schedule change. I have read many books on newborn sleep and I have to admit Baby Sleep Solutions is the simplest, to the point book with practical advice on how to get your newborn to sleep at night.” -Pranali @EmpiricalMama.com
“The book goes straight to the point, with step-by-step actions that you can take to help your baby sleep through the night from as early as 4 months of age. The thing I love about it the most is that she doesn’t impose any schedule. Instead, she gives guidelines on what a schedule should be for each stage of baby’s life, and then she offers a whole lot of information on how to adapt that schedule to your baby’s needs.” -Monica @ConqueringMotherhood.com
“The gold of this book is the chapter ‘How to Tackle Nighttime Wakings in 6 Easy Steps’. You can implement them with your baby from as young as 4 months! I like that it is written concisely and clearly what you need to go to get your baby sleeping through the night. Which is the goal of every new parent!” – Rachel @KinderSensation.de
“What I like about this book is that it is extremely handy and a perfect companion for a sleep-deprived mom who has no time to skim through all the fluff. The chapters are concise yet packed with information. Moreover, the book is written in such a way that you can read it while you are pregnant or even when your baby is a bit older, and you’re struggling to put your baby to bed.” This reviewer continues to expand and answer a tough question… “Can the sleep training solutions work in a typical Indian home? In my opinion, yes, subject to a few modifications/ground rules” Read more from Vrushali @MumbaikarMom.in
“We found ourselves nodding in agreement throughout much of the book. The author’s advice just made so much sense! The gentle sleep training method she advocates will come as a relief to stressed out, tired parents. And of course a well rested baby is a happy baby, ready to smash their milestone out of the park!” – Chloe @Boomcrashbaby.com
Baby Sleep Solutions
If you are looking for the e-book version, you can get it right here in my shop where it is discounted for my blog readers!
Here’s what a quick intro to the book (video included).
And here’s a full list of what you’ll find in the book:
Chapter 1 Show Your Baby the Difference Between Day & Night
Chapter 2 Get Your Baby Taking Full Feedings
Chapter 3 Two Types of Routines to Set Up Immediately
Chapter 4 The Eat, Wake, Sleep Cycle Explained
Chapter 5 Get Your Baby on a Feeding & Sleeping Schedule
Chapter 6 How to Tackle Nighttime Wakings in 6 Easy Steps
Sleep Tools & Sleep Associations
How to Handle Short Naps
Nap Training
How to Know When Your Baby Needs a Schedule Change
How to Make a Schedule Change
8 Benefits of Keeping Your Baby on a Schedule
Useful Resources
About Me
Happy reading and, more importantly, happy sleeping! I hope you grab a copy of the book, and if you do please let me know how you like it!