Babywise Help
Are you looking for help building your schedule or troubleshooting short naps, early wakings, etc.? Perhaps you don’t want to hire a sleep consultant, but you want some focused help. I am no expert, but I am one mom with a passion for helping other moms with Babywise! That’s what this blog is all about! If you want further one on one help, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Guest Posting
I accept guests posts on this blog all year round! Please keep in mind that the post needs to be Babywise friendly and nonjudgmental of ANY parenting style. It should fit in with this blog. Please take a look around at my posts to make sure it is a good fit. Posts should be unique content, and unpublished. Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page with your article title, text, a short bio (2-3 sentences), a picture to use with your bio, and any blog links.
Note: When submitting guests posts, please proofread your articles before sending them. I do not publish articles that have errors in them. No affiliate links will be published. It may take up to 2 weeks to respond to your submission.
I work with a company called Mediavine for advertisements. If you are interested to set up a campaign with me, it is now very easy to do, through the Mediavine site. Just go to my personalized link and you can get everything set up! Click here–> to apply for advertising through Mediavine with Mama’s Organized Chaos.
Freelance Writing
I am available for freelance writing services. Please contact me with the form at the bottom of this page, and specify the details of the opportunity, along with the compensation for the project.
Product/Book Reviews
I am always looking to review products and books that are good for babies, toddlers and mamas! I charge a minimal fee for the testing and writing time. Please contact me using the form at the bottom of this page for more information.
Have another idea that I haven’t mentioned? As always, please contact me using the form below for more information! 😉 I love to collaborate and meet other mamas and other bloggers.