Babywise schedule for newborn 1-2 weeks of age. On this page you’ll find schedules, information on naps, nighttime sleep, and more!
NEWBORNS (1-2 weeks):
Cycle length: 2 hours
# of cycles: 8
Wake time: minimal
Nap time: don’t worry about monitoring nap time at this age
MOTN: several feedings
Are you looking for help with baby schedules and sleep?
I’ve created two invaluable resources for you based on my personal experiences with my babies and in helping countless other parents.
1. I wrote a book about all of my tips and tricks when it comes to baby schedules, sleep and more. I wrote this book with new parents in mind, so it’s an EASY read and it’s realistic and something you can start implementing immediately.
2. I created schedule tracking sheets for your baby’s first full year.
Where can you get your copy of these resources?
Baby Sleep Solutions Book
You can get this book on Amazon, in 3 formats:
Click here to go to amazon and add this to your cart.
Baby Schedule Tracking Sheets
These sheets also come in multiple formats!
1. Printable sheets right to your inbox and out of your printer.
2. Paperback book (with over 365 sheets to get your through each age for an entire year)

Baby Sleep Solutions Book
You guys I am so proud of this accomplishment because it turned out to be the perfect parenting book. It’s exactly what I envisioned:
-Easy to read.
-No fluff.
-Realistic to implement.
-REAL- it’s our real life situations that you can relate to.
-This book contains 6 easy and realistic steps to take with your baby to have them sleeping through the night and on a great schedule.
View the book on amazon by clicking here.

Schedule Tracking Sheets
These sheets are not only a great place to record YOUR baby’s schedule and observations, they have the recommended schedule, wake times, nap times, etc. for each age listed out for your reference!
You can grab a paperback book on amazon by clicking here.
Or you can head to my Printable Parenting Tools shop and get the printable sheets delivered straight to your inbox by clicking here!
All you need to do is worry about a feeding schedule at this age. Newborns sleep most of the time, so they will be awake to eat, and then will most likely be down for a nap.
It is even a struggle to keep them awake while eating most times! I would recommend starting with a diaper change to wake baby up.
Feed on one side if nursing (or half a bottle)…burp and finish feeding on the other side.
If you can sneak in a little awake time afterwards that’s great, but don’t stress if baby just wants to sleep! Make sure they get FULL feedings.
Tickle baby’s toes, rub their ears, talk to them….rub a cold cloth on their forehead…whatever it takes…get that baby to eat!
You should feed your baby every 2 hours. It is important that you wake your baby up during the day every two hours to get them to eat. They need the nutrition and you need to start your feeding schedule.
If you have the go ahead from your doctor to let them sleep through the night, then do not wake your baby up at night.
If this is the case, you want to get 8 feedings in during the day, and then only feed your baby in the middle of the night if she wakes up.
DO NOT WAKE HER! This will start to teach her the difference between days and nights.
Find My Printable Schedules At My Etsy Shop:
no productsBy waking her every two hours during the day, she will learn that she is supposed to be up. Open the curtains and show her daylight. This will teach her body that this is day and that day means wake time!
If you have the go ahead to let baby sleep, then do not wake them at night. Odds are, your baby will still wake out of hunger at this stage, and you’ll need to feed her, but let her wake up on her own and ask for it.
Begin your schedule on time in the mornings. No matter how many times she was up last night… if your determined schedule of feedings begins at 7am, wake her at 7am and feed her to get your schedule started correctly.
Babywise Schedule
A typical schedule might look like this:
Feed at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm
This is 8 feedings, two hours apart.

We didn’t get the go ahead from our doctor to let our baby sleep until her 2 week appointment. So if you are in this situation, you will want to wake baby every two hours around the clock.
Don’t worry, you can teach your baby days from nights starting in week 3 or whenever you get the green light to do so!
Wake time:
The wake time that you do have with your baby at this age should include activities such as tummy time, you can read to baby, sing to baby, and just hold and enjoy!
Nap time:
Nap time can occur wherever, however you want at this age. Hold your baby and enjoy the snuggles! Don’t worry about getting baby to sleep in the bassinet for naps, etc.
Nighttime sleeping:
At this age it is a good idea to have your baby in your room in a bassinet. Since you will mostly likely be up all night it is easier on you and baby.
One note about nighttime sleeping:
Babies are noisy sleepers! Do not jump to grab your baby just because you hear her stir or grunt or sigh or even cry.
Make sure that she is really awake. Babies can make noise and even cry when they are transitioning from one sleep cycle to the next.
Believe it or not, they can even have their eyes open. If you wait just a couple of minutes you will know for sure if she is awake or simply going back to sleep. This one simple act can help you and baby get some more rest!
If you are just joining this blog, the above concepts are from a methodology called Babywise.
We had a TON of success using Babywise, and plan to use the theories again with our second baby! Not heard of the term Babywise before?
Check out the main schedules page for a basic overview of the eat wake sleep cycles, and head on over to my main Babywise page for more information!