If you have never heard of Usborne books, check out my info page for more details! I absolutely love these books, and Caroline does as well! Because I love them so much, I became a consultant and am now selling these books direct to you!
As a HUGE thank you to all of my MOC followers, I’d like to offer an amazing deal during January and February of 2016.
If you sign up to host an online Facebook party with me during these months, I will give you $25 in FREE books, in addition to the DOUBLE hostess rewards that you will already be earning! The below image outlines the double rewards that you can earn. My most recent hostess earned $100 in free books and $75 in half priced books! This is such an amazing deal. The $25 in free books is in addition to the below rewards! The only catch is that the party has to earn $85 in sales in order for me to be able to put it in the system and get you your $25 in free books. That is super easy to achieve, so no worries!
Please email me for more information and be sure to mention this deal!