There are several ways to find information on this blog. Here is a breakdown of how to go about doing so:
1. Static pages:
These pages are listed across the top menu and at the top of the left sidebar. These pages are standalone pieces of information that I wanted readily available to you at any time.
2. Blog Archive:
This is found on the left hand side of the page if you scroll down a bit. Each blog post is listed in order of the date posted. I write daily posts, so these are a mixture of research based content, family life, and general opinion posts as well.
3. Labels:
Each blog post is labeled by a category. You will find the blog labels on the lower left hand side of the blog. Some posts fit into multiple categories, and are labeled as such. Let’s say you want to find all posts about baby sleep. Scroll down to the “sleep” label and click on it. All posts related to sleep will then show up. This will NOT include the static pages that I talked about above.
4. Popular Posts:
The most popular posts on my blog (based on reader statistics), will be listed on the right hand side of the blog. There is a brief description and if you click on the link it will take you to these individual posts.
5. Posts can be sorted by type
I write 3 kinds of daily posts. Here are the links:
You can find the links to them right here! All of my posts are sorted into these 3 categories. I tried to pick the best fit for a post and put all of them into one of these categories. Some posts have factual information with a mix of my family life sprinkled in for examples, and odds are I still put it into the research based content. When you click on research based content, you will only see those posts when you click on the link above, and all of my personal family type posts will be separated out. These are also labels that you can find in the blog label section. Again, this will not include any of the static pages listed above.
Note: Research based content is in fact research based- from books, articles, real life experience, etc. They are a compilation of all of these things, and as a result I have not used direct quotes or citations.