Babywise schedule month 7: for baby around 7 months of age. On this page you’ll find schedules, information on naps, nighttime sleep, and more!
Cycle length: 4.5 hours
# of cycles: 3
Wake time: 2.5-3 hrs
Nap time: 2 naps
MOTN: 0 feedings, 0 wakes
This month has been pretty straightforward. After dropping the catnap last month, things really fell into place well for Caroline. She loves her new schedule and the 2 naps allow for more flexibility in her day, which has been great for her and for me!
I no longer have to wake her from naps to keep her on schedule, nor is it an issue if she sleeps slightly less for a nap. Bedtime just gets slightly shifted in one direction or the other. She sleeps until 7 am now, whereas before she was waking closer to 6:30 am and just staying in her crib until I came to get her.
She can handle longer wake times if we aren’t back from an errand on time, and it doesn’t negatively impact her naps as it used to. All in all things went incredibly smoothly this month.
Babywise Schedule
A typical schedule might look like this:
7 am nurse and solids, 11/11:30 am nurse and solids, 4 pm nurse, 5 solids, 6:30 pm nurse, 7 pm bed
Naps from 9:30-11/11:30, 2:30-4
As I mentioned above, with her age and the 2 nap schedule, she is able to handle more flexibility. We flex bedtime if we need to, but I no longer wake her from naps to stay on the perfect schedule. Without the need to squeeze in the third nap, this schedule allows for such flexibility in the day and at her age she is now showing she can handle minor changes if need be one day.
Solid food schedule:
Caroline eats 3 times a day still. We occasionally give her a snack before the second nap. I do that if I notice her naps getting shorter, and this seems to help.
She is starting to feed herself very well. She went through most of this month refusing to try and help put food into her own mouth. The last week, however, she decided to help again, and had really made some progress on her pincher grasp!
She is getting 8/10 pieces in her mouth on the first try now. We praise her and she gets so excited to do it again.
Wake time:
Caroline is still wanting to crawl. She has been unsuccessful thus far, but is continuing to try. She tries so hard she ends up rolling onto her back, then rolling back onto her belly to try again, etc.
As a result, she has gotten very good at rolling and is rolling all over the place. She is on the move (sideways). She loves playing in the sink and loves focusing on details. She inspects logos on Daddy’s shirts, finds the tags on toys, finds writing on a plastic ball, etc.
She is fascinated by all of the little details and runs her fingers over the texture. She plays with Daddy’s ears, talks a lot (is definitely saying “ma” appropriately and deliberately), and loves riding in shopping carts. Her favorite toys are blocks, balls, wooden puzzles, and books.
If she so much as sees a book and can’t get to it, she will start crying until I hand it to her! She loves kitchen spatulas, enjoys practicing her standing skills, and loves her play table. Her most favorite item, however, is the dog toy!
She is well on her way to being potty trained by a year old (that’s our lofty goal)! She poops only on the toilet (has a definite preference) and is starting to pee in the toilet as well. Such a big girl!
Babywise Month 7 Nap time:
Naps have been pretty seamless this month. She takes 2 naps that are 1.5-2 hours long. When she is learning new skills, her naps get cut short for a couple of days, but then return to normal. At this point, I let her sleep as long as she wants/needs.
She is old enough to flex her schedule in this way without it negatively impacting her evening. We simply push bedtime up a bit if need be.
Babywise Month 7 Nighttime sleeping:
Nighttime sleeping has continued to be great. Up until the last two days of this month she put herself to sleep without assistance. She seems to be starting a phase of separation anxiety where she calls for mama. It is running mostly into month 8, so I’ll have an update in the next month.
She is able to roll both directions now, so she can get herself comfortable in her crib at night. She rolls every which way until she is in a deep sleep. She sleeps on her side often.
My personal experience-
This month her personality really started to shine through. She is very clear on her likes and dislikes. She is feeding herself and on the verge of crawling. She has mastered rolling both directions. She is talking so much and definitely says and means “ma”. (Did Mama mention this earlier in the blog? Oops!) Happy Mama 🙂 This was a HUGE month of fast paced learning!