Wonder Weeks – Book Review
Did you make the same mistake as I did and only read pregnancy books while pregnant? I didn’t find my two favorite books about baby’s (Babywise, and The Wonder Weeks …
Did you make the same mistake as I did and only read pregnancy books while pregnant? I didn’t find my two favorite books about baby’s (Babywise, and The Wonder Weeks …
Dear Leap 10, Thank you for coming, and thank you for leaving! During your presence my daughter experienced real tantrums. Screaming, flailing, biting, fists tight and arms shaking tantrums. And …
It is amazing how much time goes by from one leap to the next. The duration of and between each leap is so lengthy that it almost seems impossible for …
In the first month of Caroline’s life, another mama that I had been talking to introduced me to the Wonder Weeks. If you haven’t heard of this before, the quick …