Last night we just played and it was amazing.
We just played. We didn’t want to. But we did.
Earlier that day, Caroline had wanted to get the pool out. We just didn’t have time when she’d asked.
It’s a pretty cool pool, I might add. We used to buy those cheap plastic pools. The only problem, is they are big, there’s no place to store it, and they eventually crack.
This year, I found a really neat item. It’s marketed as a dog pool, and FOLDS up! That’s right. It folds.
It’s plastic, with sturdy sides that fold up accordion style. Anyways, it is so nice and fits right in the storage bench we have on our patio.
Clearly I’m proud of this find LOL!
Grab it here–> Foldable Pool.

Anyways, last night we surprised her after dinner and got the pool out.
It’s the perfect size for splashing around- for a kid, or a dog.
But an adult is a bit large!
Usually, however, if we get it out during the day, I get my swimsuit on and get in with Caroline and William. I have to spot William, since he’s only 8 months old, so I figure I might as well just get in and sit with them and play.
In the evening, however, when it’s just Caroline getting in and William’s in bed, there’s no need for anyone else to actually get in. We could just hang out on the patio with her while she enjoyed the pool time.
But, she asked Daddy if he’d get in. He hesitated. I could tell he didn’t want to. But he did anyways. And it was so great.
She was thrilled to have someone actually in the pool with her. I was thrilled to not have to be the one to do it, honestly. haha
I had just finished the dishes, and wanted to go poke around in my garden. I am planning a HUGE garden next year, so I went and did some measurements to start planning.
The garden, by the way, has been so amazing. Caroline helped me plant everything from seed.
We found these amazing little soil pellets (purchase at SeedsNow) to help give our seeds a kick-start. We started everything indoors for a few weeks. Caroline helped water the seeds, and watched them grow.

She helped plant them in the raised beds outside. She’s helped harvest our crops, and eat our crops. Such a fun learning experience and I’m so glad she’s been able to see us grow our own food.
Then I was so dumb. I don’t know what got into me, but I splashed my husband, who was standing in the pool (but pretty much dry- all except his feet). I soaked him.
It’s that moment when you realize that you’ve unleashed the lion. Whoops. I knew he’d come after me.
I ran away from the pool so he couldn’t splash me though, so I was safe.
Except, I wasn’t. They’d been playing with a watering can in the pool. He had an item to FILL UP and chase me, and dump it on me.
Caroline gave him the idea.
And I was barefoot. Amazing how it hurts so much to run around barefoot in my 30s! I gave in pretty quickly and just let him pour the water on me- it beat stepping on rocks!
Before we knew it, we were all running around the yard- everyone chasing me. And we were all soaked.
Oh the laughter (and the screams). I bet it echoed across all the houses in our neighborhood.
Pure joy coming from our house last night.
I play with our kids all day long. My husband works all day long. Sometimes in the evenings we are just tired. Tired of playing. Tired.
And so often we say no to things like getting in the pool. We encourage our daughter to still get in and have fun. But I sense the disappointment, at times, even when she does still have fun.
And it’s ok. Nights like that are ok. Our job as parents is not to entertain our children all the time. It’s ok for her to play in her pool by herself. It’s ok for us to just keep her company, or be near by and have some time to ourselves talking, relaxing, etc.
But the fun is always amazing.
I am so glad my husband said “yes” to Caroline last night. So glad.
Last night we all ran around like kids, without a care in the world- just playing
It’s one of those moments that we’ll always remember. It’s more memorable than some fancy trip or activity we might plan.
The random normal, unexpected fun- that’s the good stuff.
I’ll always remember the feeling of just being in our backyard, music on, laughter echoing, and pure fun being had.
Soon, William is going to be running around joining us, and I just can’t wait.
My favorite times are these wonderful evenings all together. We throw the football, do some yard work, maybe even eat outside. We just love the outdoor space that we have now, and I love the pure joy it brings out in everyone.