“Sorry for the lack of make-up and mom bun.”
“Please look past the mess on the floor.”
“Don’t mind the spit-up in my hair.”
“Sorry I have a sink full of dishes at the moment.”
“Excuse the toilet that hasn’t been scrubbed in a couple of days.”
Whether it’s a picture that is posted to social media, or a friend coming over to our house, women do nothing but apologize for being REAL. For not having all the time in the world. For being US. For being YOU. For being a MOM.
Ladies, we are moms. We all get it. None of us have scrubbed our toilets in the last two days, and let’s be real– the last week (or two, or month). The toys pile up. The dishes pile up. We never have time to do our hair, put make-up on, or look presentable unless it is a do or die situation. And it is nothing that needs apologizing for.
Here’s the reality of my life that I’ll go ahead and admit:
Click here to read the full story over at Her View From Home!
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