Week 10 Babywise Schedule
William’s schedule this week was the same as it was at the second half of week 9.
We found a schedule that was working very well for bedtime:
Feedings at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm
Naps at 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, no nap between 6 and 7 pm, and bed after the last feed.
His wake time is still about one hour. He really starts getting fussy at this point, so we’ve stuck with this wake time for now.
He’s asleep by 8:30 pm at the latest, and this schedule has been great.
The last few days of this week, however, we ran into a couple of snags with naps and eating. (I’ll discuss these in detail in the below sections).
As a result, we’ll be making some changes come week 11.

Breastfeeding is still going very well. He’s eating on both sides for about 20 minutes in combined total.
His latch issues on the left side, that I discussed in prior weeks, come and go.
A new issue with feedings popped up this week, however:
After eating for a bit, he unlatches (for whatever reason). He then seems to frantically want to relatch, but won’t. It’s the oddest thing.
He’s interested, but at the same time, very uninterested.
Then, last night, he refused to latch completely on the second side for his 7 pm feeding.
This, coupled with the nap issues that I’ll discuss below, have me thinking he needs to potentially drop a feed, and extend his wake time.
It might be time for a new schedule!

Wake Time
The last three days, William has been fussy for the entire wake time. I can hardly put him down.
He seems to be needing some new wake time activities to keep him happy.
He’s loving… absolutely loving naked time!

This is quite the risk with a penis capable of shooting pee all over the place at a moments notice.
I’ll be all prepared with cloth diapers handy to stop the flow. By the time I see the stream, and cover him, he’s made a HUGE mess.
It is what it is! He is way too active to keep anything on top of him. Everything falls right off LOL!
He’s enjoying looking outside, and getting to go outside when it’s warm enough.

He’s really liking bath time and supported sitting.
He’s still a super quiet baby (unless he’s bothered by something), but he’s talking more and more.
William is grabbing at things and looking and engaging more as well.
He can now easily roll from his belly to his back all the time! I took him to his 2 month appointment, and when I undressed him and put him on the table, he immediately tried to roll from back to belly. He was so close!
I helped him, and he rolled over to his back! I flipped him again, and he rolled again!

He’s a rolling machine right now!
He just finished leap 2… but I have to say he didn’t have many changes. I’ll still be writing an update on that soon, though!
He also got to take his first stroller walk! He slept the entire time!
Nap Time
After 1 hour of wake time, he’s often fussy. When I put him down for his nap, however, he’s wide awake and not wanting to nap.
When he does nap, he sleeps for about 45 – 60 minutes, and then is wide away for the last hour of his nap.
I have to keep giving him a pacifier and stalling him to stay on schedule.
He’s wide awake and ready to go!
So, even though he’s fussy for wake time, I think he’s needing longer wake time to combat this nap issue.
Since he’s also having the latch issue described above, I am thinking that next week we’ll drop a feed and increase his wake time.
Hopefully this will help him to eat more in one sitting, and nap longer!

William is doing a fantastic job at night right now!
He’s only waking up one time most nights.
The time that he wakes ranges anywhere from 1:30-4 am!
We are no longer putting him on his belly for naps or nighttime sleep! I am thrilled about this, because we were nervous about it.
Because he’s no longer on his tummy for sleep, we wanted to help him a bit more with his startle reflex.
We’ve been using the zipadee-zip, which is great- but it’s very minimal resistance for the startle reflex and doesn’t help much.
We switched him to the Love to Dream Swaddle Up. It’s been amazing!

He can have his arms up in a comfortable position. He can suck on his hands. He can even help hold a pacifier in!
He’s doing great with this swaddle.

Life With Two
Well, it’s hard this week.
I am guessing that Caroline is acting out because of less attention now that William is around.
She’s also been sad about April since William’s arrival.
Those are the only two things I can come up with, along with the fact that she’s 4 and just asserting her independence and free will…
She’s been having some ridiculous behavior. Hitting. Screaming. Saying no to us. Repeating herself over and over and over and OVER.
Her screams have woken William up time and time again.
It’s frustrating and hard and exhausting.
We’ve gotten to the point where she’s lost pretty much everything. We’ve done the “right” things… the giving her more attention, praising positive behavior, giving choices, and on and on.
Nothing is working.
Next week, I’m going to revamp William’s schedule, and when I do, I am revamping hers as well. She’ll be having more mental stimulation and physical stimulation every day.
Every day she’ll go outside to play- no matter the weather.
Every day she’ll do writing practice for mental stimulation.
Every day she’ll get playtime with Mama.
Every day she’ll get playtime with William.
Every day she’ll get free play to choose what she wants to do.
I am going to get on top of this, because it’s out of control right now and it’s making life with two SO hard!

New This Week
Our awesome product of the week, is the swaddle up. It’s incredible. If you don’t have one, buy one!
Regular swaddles just don’t compare to this!
Since he’s now doing lots of naked time, we are using these prefold diapers to contain any messes!
He’s loving anything he can sit upright in so he can see more.
And he’s loving time on his tummy (either on the playmat, or on his boppy).
We also used the stroller for the first time this week. I love this stroller. I used it with Caroline as well.
We have the Chicco Liteway. It is a small collapsible stroller that is in between the big travel systems and an umbrella stroller. It folds up super small, and is very lightweight, but fits the car seat!
When he’s sitting, I’ll convert it to the upright position.
Week 10 Baby Products We Love
Schedules Page
See all of our schedules and scheduling resources!
Sample Baby and Toddler Schedules
See all of our schedules on this page, from newborn to preschool age!
Printable Baby Schedule for Newborn to 6 Months
Download our printable baby schedules from newborn to 6 months and perfect the eat, wake, sleep cycle for your baby!
Includes recommended schedules.