We’ve been making this for Caroline since she was 6 months old. It is easy for her to chew, gets a lot of veggies in her, and she really enjoys it. My husband and I also really like this meal. We tried a few different quiche recipes and tweaked the ingredients until we found our favorite combination.
3 cups of milk
7 large eggs
1 large tomato
1 bell pepper
1 small onion
3 slices ham (make sure it’s not honey baked)
4 carrots
1.5 cups shredded cheddar cheese
If you have more or less of any of the above ingredients or want to use different vegetables or meat, this recipe is very forgiving.
I NEVER measure anything but the milk.
I just use what I have in the kitchen at the time.
What’s listed above is our favorite combination of vegetables and meat.
Grease a 9×13 pan (can also use a muffin pan).
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Chop all ingredients to desired texture (we do very fine so it’s easy for Caroline to chew).
Beat eggs in bowl and stir in milk.
Mix veggies and ham together in separate bowl.
Add cheese and veggies and ham to milk/egg mixture.
Stir and pour in pan.
You can also choose to layer the veggies directly in the pan and pour the cheese/egg/milk mixture over the top.
Cook until firm and slightly brown on the top.
The quiche should bake for approximately 50 minutes.
Once it is cooled, I cut this into smaller sections and freeze them while they are separated on a cutting board. Once they are frozen on the outside, I place them in a gallon sized freezer bag for storage. Takes about 30-40 seconds in the microwave to heat a small portion for Caroline when we need it.