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The busy season is getting underway and I wont see much of my husband for the next 90 days or so. My husband is an incredibly hard worker and he is on call 24/7 for his job. He works every single weekend, all year round and only takes vacation in the winter. Even during that vacation he is in touch with work. You are probably thinking he is a doctor or someone really important for the demands to be so high. Well you are right. He is someone that is really important. He is one of the most important people in my life and in Caroline’s life, and yes he is important at work as well. He is a doctor of sorts…

My husband is a Golf Course Superintendent. He is a doctor of grass. His job is preventative medicine (keeping disease and fungus away), his job is to heal (for those unfortunate moments that disease does hit), his job is to protect (those hot summer days that the grass can’t hide in the shade or get a drink of water on its own), and his job is to anticipate what this living thing will need at all times. The grass is living and needs help to do so. There are people trampling all over it playing-golf, and this living thing is outside all day every day and needs help to survive. So on those windy, dry days, my husband is there giving the grass a drink. Golf course grass is more vulnerable due to the demands of the game and the shorter heights of the grass, and more. There is so much science behind all of this that my husband knows. I just barely know enough to be impressed and proud of my husband, and to be understanding when the job can pull him away at a moment’s notice, and keep him away long hours during the demanding, hot summers.

I am so proud to have a husband that works so hard. My husband and I always strive to be better in our careers and our personal life. Caroline will see hard work in action. She will see dedication, responsibility, an amazing work ethic, and she will have high expectations of herself and those around her. I am so proud to have a husband that works so hard.

I am so proud to have a husband that is so family oriented. My husband may be exhausted from a long hard day outside, but he comes home and gives every last minute to me and Caroline and the dogs. He misses us while he’s gone, and he doesn’t always get as much time as he wants with us, but he makes the most of each moment. We do everything together. Other than him or I going to work, our neighbors have never seen us leave the house separately. We love spending time together even for the simple things like going grocery shopping. I am so proud to have a husband that is so family oriented.

I am so proud to have a husband that is such a good daddy. His face lights up when he sees Caroline. He worries about her, he plays with her, and he tells her that he loves her a million times a day. He comforts her so well. He is the only one that can hold her for quiet cuddles in the evenings, and he makes dinnertime something she looks forward to every day. She knew his voice the minute she was born, because he is such a good daddy he was talking to her long before she came out into the world. He fell in love the day she was born, and I fell more in love with him than I could have ever expected. I am so proud to have a husband that is such a good daddy.

I am so proud to have a husband that is my best friend. We support each other and have made it through some tough things with each other by our side. I don’t have to speak for him to know what I am thinking. We can finish each other’s sentences and we can talk without words. We enjoy doing all of the same things. We will never be the couple that has girls or guys night out. We want the other person there and things are so much more fun together. It’s the little things that make our relationship strong. He makes me laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed. I am so proud to have a husband that is my best friend.

Every day, he kisses me goodbye in the early morning hours. I am awake enough to remember and respond, but drift back to sleep quickly. I smile every time I see him text or call to see how we are or to simply say ‘I love you’. I am so lucky to have him in my life. And, yes, I literally feel myself falling more in love with him each day. Every time he looks at me, and every time he interacts with Caroline- I remember why I fell in love with him in the first place…not that I need any reminders. He has been so consistent and so strong. I love my little family so much.

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