Hey Mamas!!
I want YOUR stories …
So one of my favorite things about blogging, is sharing real stories with other mamas. I hated when I read other blogs and was doing research and only found “ideal” scenarios (ex: everyone’s baby seemed to be sleeping through the night at 6 wo). I wanted to read about real stories.
I’ve decided to put together a series called “Real Moms, Real Stories” and each time I do it, it will have a different focus. The first two topics produced some absolutely amazing stories and were such a pleasure to share!
The stories can be as short as a paragraph or as long as a book (ok within reason haha). They don’t need to be anything fancy, though.
Topic: Breastfeeding on a Schedule
Things you might want to include for this topic:
– Why breastfeeding is important to you
– Why using schedules is important for you and baby
– How you were successful breastfeeding and using schedules together
– Did you start on a schedule or make a switch to using one?
– Did your supply benefit due to implementing a schedule?
– Benefits you see of using schedules
– Was your baby able to sleep through the night while breastfeeding and on a schedule?
– Your experience in general
– Anything else you see fit!
I’d like to get these by Sunday, January 31st.
Please email me the stories: [email protected]
In the subject line, please include “breastfeeding on a schedule”
Please include: (can also let me know if you’d like to keep it anonymous)
Baby’s Name(s):
Baby’s Age(s):
Blog (if you have one):
Picture – just send it as an attachment or in the email itself (readers looooove pictures)
Feel free to get other mom friends involved as well. Just have them email me! Thank you in advance! I am so excited to put this together!
Also if you have any ideas on what the next “Real Moms, Real Stories” topic should be feel free to post those in the comments on this page.