I honestly didn’t know what to expect on Halloween. Caroline is really shy around strangers, so I wasn’t sure she’d enjoy anything about knocking on someone’s door, and having to talk to them. I’d been getting her excited about her costume, and made it her favorite character from Daniel Tiger, but also envisioned that it was quite possible she’d want nothing to do with wearing it! 2 year olds aren’t going to do anything they don’t want to do LOL!
The day before Halloween, I started talking to Caroline about what was going to happen. I told her she was going to get to wear her O the Owl costume, and explained the process of knocking on someone’s door, saying “trick or treat” and getting candy. We practiced saying trick or treat a lot!
On Halloween day, right before we went trick or treating, we did a little practice at home. I got behind a closed door, had her knock, and pretended I was a stranger asking her questions. We took her through the process, had her say trick or treat, and answer the question of “who are you?”, “what is your costume?”, etc.
She seemed excited and ready to go! So, we went out to our neighborhood. We were the first ones out there around 6:30 pm. It was perfect. The sun was set, but it wasn’t dark yet. Our neighbor immediately saw us and opened her door to be Caroline’s first house. Caroline has seen her before, and usually chooses not to say hi. This time, she asked for Mama or Daddy to come, and she walked right up. We had her say hello, trick or treat, and owl! She did great and got her candy!
As we walked, we explained that the outside light had to be on in order to go up to the house. Caroline started showing us and telling us when lights were off. We found a few that were on and went to those houses. She went right up and was talking every time we prompted her to do so! She was incredibly brave, and we were both so proud of her! I literally couldn’t believe she was doing it! It is so out of her comfort zone, but I guess if candy is involved she’ll do anything! LOL!
Caroline was also pretty hilarious! Instead of “trick or treat”, she’d say “treat” and make us all crack up. When she was done with a house, she’d turn around and say “GOOOO!”, and we’d take her to the next house.
Once we’d done a handful of houses nearby, she saw the swings and wanted to take a break. Swings are up on the favorites list for Caroline (in fact, I’m sure she’s at school right now as I type this- on the swing)!
We headed back towards home to hand out candy for the remainder of the night. She went to one more neighbors house, and then we sat outside on the front steps. She tried a few pieces of candy, and learned to say Kit-Kat! It was by far her favorite piece of candy! She sat outside with us while we handed out candy. She said hello to people coming up to us, and she walked around a bit to stretch her legs again.
It was such an amazing night. I can’t even put it into words. I am not a fan of Halloween, but having a child get dressed up and enjoy it so much has made me a new fan! I loved seeing how brave she was, and I will never forget how happy we all were. What an incredible evening!
If you are interested, check out how I made her costume here!