Search Pinterest for “baby activities” and a whole slew of things will pop up. Specifically, you’ll see sensory activities show up.
Click on the ones that are edible ideas, since your baby will most likely end up with it in her mouth!
Consider these things to be your life support for when baby is bored! There are tons of great ideas out there, and your baby really will learn a lot from playing with different textures, temperatures and materials.

Really, we do “sensory” activities with our babies all of the time without specifically planning it, but having a few special ones to break out from time to time is a must have.
Our first “official” sensory activity came one day when I was trying to cook dinner.
My husband was not going to be home in time to help cook, and I had been unable to get everything cooked during Caroline’s nap (a super short one that afternoon).
Since I was going to be busy cooking, I needed to occupy Caroline with an activity that I could simply monitor, instead of needing to participate.

I had a few ideas pinned and knew I had the supplies in the kitchen for one of them in particular.
Check out these sensory ideas for infants–> 10 sensory activities.
So, up first in our sensory adventure were the dry instant mashed potatoes. I literally took a box of instant mashed potatoes and dumped them into a bin. I gave her a few kitchen “toys” and let her play in it like a sand box.
She dove right in and grabbed a handful! She put the potatoes in her mouth and tasted them, felt the silky soft texture, and looked amazed. She fed some to the dogs and dropped some on her toes.

She played with her measuring cups, and attempted to tip the entire bin over a few times. She made an absolute mess! I was expecting that and had her on the kitchen floor for that reason. It was going to be extremely easy to just vacuum right up.
She had a blast, and I was thrilled watching her! She was content for about 45 minutes and would have been happy to play longer, but dinner was ready. The best part is that I can save them and use them again.

I poured them into a gallon sized Ziploc bag and put them on the shelf for future use. I brought them out the next day, but she was over the excitement.
So…they’ll stay hidden for awhile, but I know the next time she sees them, she will have fun again! Next time, we plan to add some water into the mix and perhaps some food coloring!