Yesterday I wrote about 6 Things My Barely 2 Year Old Does That BLOW Me Away. I’ve come up with even more to add to the list (now up to 8 things)! This list will most likely climb even higher before my follow up post is published with the last 2 (or more) items on the list. You’ll definitely want to check out the original post, and stay tuned come next week for the list addition. Here’s a sneak peek at the overall list of topics (tons of details in the posts):
1. Speech
2. Concepts
3. Imagination
4. Thoughtfulness
5. Opinions
6. Routines
7. Reasoning
8. Memory
There is a reason that speech is number one on this list! When Caroline was 22 months old I was ready for the potential conversation of speech therapy at her 2 year well check. I had mentally prepared myself for it, and was trying to be as honest with myself as possible, with regards to Caroline’s speech development, so I’d be able to be clear with the pediatrician. Her 2 year appointment came around, and it was clear that she’d made HUGE progress in just 2 months- to the point that the topic was far from everyone’s minds.
Now, just 1 month later, she’s talking at light speed and having a hard time keeping up with herself! I woke up this morning wanting to elaborate on the topic of speech more. I wanted to document more of her sentences, and more of her words. The reality, however, is that I can’t keep up! Caroline says everything she wants to say now. It doesn’t matter what the topic, she finds the words to get her point across, and does so very well. In order to remember everything, I knew I’d literally have to sit down with my laptop and transcribe as much as I could throughout the day- if I could keep up! That is in no way going to happen with a 2 year old, so my second best option was to take a snapshot- a moment in time. She gave me just that at lunch today.
She was talking and talking and talking. She was not interested in eating (as you’ll see in the video) LOL! She’d been talking for about 10 minutes already, when I decided to get out my phone and record yet another 10 minutes of straight talking! You’ll see how fast her mind is working. She jumps from one topic to the next and you can literally see her thinking. I repeat what she’s saying, so you’ll be able to catch on if you wouldn’t have otherwise. I have always just naturally done this. I think it is in part to validate that I am understanding her correctly (she’ll tell me if I’m wrong), and in part for her to hear how she’s coming across, hear the words, sentence structure, etc. It’s hard to know what other people hear, or if they can understand what she’s saying. I have the context and repetition to help, so I know it must sound more clear to me than to others.
Anyways, this is 10 minutes of straight talking from lunch today recorded in a video! I know I am going to LOOOOOVE looking back on this in years to come, and I am hoping that you all enjoy it as well. I know I love to interact, hear, see, and watch other children that are Caroline’s age, because I simply don’t have experience with this age. She’s my only experience, so it’s nice to have a point of reference at times! I’m still laughing at all of the topics we covered in just 10 minutes! Enjoy! (Please excuse my coughing in the background)
Check out all of our speech update posts here!
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