MALE READER WARNING: Just a heads up to my husband, father, father in-law, and all the guys that read this blog… you may want to stop reading now. The following post is all about that time of the month. While it is a natural thing that occurs to every single woman at some point in her life… I know most of you don’t like hearing about it, much less reading a full post on it. So feel free to stop reading now, unless you want to purchase some awesome underwear for a woman in your life that might really appreciate it…then read on!
PERIOD UNDERWEAR? You read that correctly!
All of the sudden in my Facebook feed, I was seeing ads for period underwear. I was curious how they worked for sure, and the possibility of these underwear and all they claim to be. I would much rather have underwear that I wash and reuse as opposed to continuing to buy and use tampons every month. After all, I did cloth diaper my daughter- so why not try out cloth for periods!? I had read about the diva cup and couldn’t quite handle the idea and the mess. Cloth on the other hand, I was up for trying! My full review is below.
Disclaimer: Thinx agreed to send me free underwear to try in exchange for an honest review of their product. All ideas and opinions are my own.
The underwear came in the mail, and I opened them with excitement. They really were as normal as they claimed to be. They are not bulky, and they are honestly pretty cute! When I tried them on, they were as normal as could be! They fit great, and didn’t look any different under my clothing than any other underwear would. They were comfortable and very nice!
My plan was to really test these out so I would know what their limits were. I only had the one pair, so I chose to use them on my heaviest day.
I was trying the hiphugger “heavy days” underwear. They claim to hold up to 2 tampons worth of fluid. The recommended use is to replace the need for a panty liner, and to be used in conjunction with tampons. They prevent leaks, stains, odor, etc. For the full info please visit this link.
Since I was testing the limits on these, I not only used them on my heaviest day, I used them without any other protection. I didn’t use a single tampon all day. I brought extra underwear and tampons with me, but even braved going out of the house in just these hiphuggers under my normal clothes! Talk about nerve wracking!
I kept checking. All day. I felt dry. There was no odor. There were no leaks through the underwear to my pants, etc. I could see that everything was being absorbed just fine. I did all of the normal things I would typically do. I went for a walk, drove my car, played on the floor with my toddler and ran around as usual.
All was fine! I never needed a tampon on my heaviest of heavy days! On a day like this I am usually changing my tampon every 1-3 hours to avoid leaking. The underwear held everything.
I have to say, I was incredibly impressed.
Washing was also a breeze. I rinsed them by hand. Then washed and dried as usual (even though that is not their recommended method). Again, I wanted to put these to the test. It worked, and I have used them again since without issue!
My conclusion: I will definitely be wearing these, and I will definitely recommend to others!
Personally, even though I was able to not wear a single tampon all day, I don’t like the feeling of not having a tampon in. I like for my period to never see the light of day (which is why I wear tampons instead of pads).
I plan to use these on their own, during those light days… the beginning and end of my cycle. Those days that you wear a panty liner but it’s too light to feel the need to put a tampon in.
I also plan to use them during the heavy days that I wear tampons- just in addition to (not on their own). These are great for those moments that time escapes you, or your body surprises you and you have leaks. These will prevent any issues!
These underwear are going to save me so much money! I will never again feel the need to buy and wear panty liners. I will also get away with buying and using less tampons that I did previously! So glad to have found this product! Click here to try these risk free, get $10 off, and free shipping!!!