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what is babywise

Welcome to my official page about all things Babywise! If you’ve found your way here, you are no doubt curious to learn more about Babywise methods and Babywise book, and what they can mean for your family and your new little one.

Let me start by saying that Babywise is more than you might think at first glance. Babywise book 1 (On Becoming Baby Wise) by Gary Ezzo is the most well known Babywise book. Did you know that there are Babywise books through the teenage years of a child’s life as well!?

Babywise as most people know it initially is about baby sleep and feeding schedules. Many people turn to baby wise to address sleep problems with their baby, and others just find that it is in tune with their parenting style from the beginning. And most people find the book and concept of Babywise after research baby schedules, or perhaps baby sleep guides.

On this page you will find a wealth of information about the topic of Babywise. I encourage you to scroll through as you will no doubt find what you are looking for.

What is Babywise?

To begin with, let’s talk about what Babywise really is. Babywise is much bigger than schedules and routines, although these are a huge part of the first book.

Babywise is a parenting style. It puts the relationship of marriage first and foremost in the family. Once healthy boundaries for the family are established, it then branches out into a multitude of topics- baby sleep being the most prominent.

At the core, Babywise is actually a sleep training method, although it’s not what society thinks of when the words “sleep training” are spoken. Babywise is a method to teach your baby and train your baby to sleep well. It involves NO forms of cry it out and leaves that part up to the parents discretion.

When you read On Becoming Babywise, you’ll read about sleep cycles, you’ll see ideal schedules for newborns, up to 12 month old infants, and you’ll read about the benefits of routines.

These foundations set the stage for the first year, but translate into good toddler sleep and more. Infant sleep is prioritized during the first year especially. You’ll read about sleep schedules for nap and nighttime. You’ll read about making schedule changes and merges to find the ideal schedule for your baby.

And most importantly, you’ll learn about parent directed feeding practices. You’ll learn that your baby might not know what is best for themselves, but that you do as the parent.

Couple this information with baby sleep guides and other resources out there, and you’ll most likely have your baby sleeping through the night before 6 months of age.

The ideas of Babywise were logical to us and fit so well with our parenting style. We loved the ideas of using schedules and routines with our babies. Both of our living children ended up sleeping through the night by 4 months of age as a result, and we’ve learned to highly value sleep in this house.

Babywise is an amazing resource that I highly recommend. Beyond the first book, there are books for toddlers and preschoolers. These dive into potty training, discipline tactics, independent play and so much more. The tools are invaluable.

When it came to the first book, I found myself loving the ideas, but failing to know how to implement. The book had great theories and concepts, but not a lot of the How-to type of information.

I became very passionate about prioritizing baby sleep in our house, and I started documenting how we implemented the basic concepts of schedules, and routines, along with how we dealt with nighttime feedings, etc. My passion quickly grew into what is now a book on Baby Sleep Solutions. I would describe this book as the How-to for those looking to implement ideas and theories like Babywise and other schedule focused parenting books.

My hope is that the book compliments the other parenting books out there, because they really fueled my passion. And now there is a how-to book out there for all to read as well.

On this page you’ll find all things about Babywise, however. Many of my tips and tricks are RIGHT here in these posts. These posts really break down the Babywise method- what it is, how we’ve used it, what it is NOT, how you can breastfeed while using Babywise, and so much more.

And the rest, well it’s compiled nicely into my new book- Baby Sleep Solutions.

Baby Sleep Solutions
The Highly Sensitive Child Book
The Wonder Weeks Book
Childwise Book
Pottywise Book
Preschoolwise Book
Toddlerwise Book
Babywise Book
Baby Sleep Solutions
The Highly Sensitive Child Book
The Wonder Weeks Book
Childwise Book
Pottywise Book
Preschoolwise Book
Toddlerwise Book
Babywise Book

Babywise Resources

Here you will find information about Babywise. Everything from an explanation to what Babywise is, when to start Babywise, how Babywise relates to sleep training, to thinking about what your unique baby needs at birth through to when they are 1 year old, and how to put in the time to make Babywise work for you and your parenting needs. On Becoming Babywise Book 1 is a must read, and these posts will help you make sense of it all!

These Babywise Books are Inexpensive and SO Worth Purchasing

Childwise Book
Pottywise Book
Preschoolwise Book
Toddlerwise Book
Pre-Todderwise Book
Babywise Book II
Babywise Book
Childwise Book
Pottywise Book
Preschoolwise Book
Toddlerwise Book
Pre-Todderwise Book
Babywise Book II
Babywise Book

Other Pages of Interest

Eat, Wake, Sleep is the general flow of the routine throughout the day when you implement Babywise. As a result, I’ve organized my blog by these categories as well.


You are on the right page for all of the information on Babywise and what it is. In addition to this page, you’ll want to check out our Schedules page – here you’ll find all of our babywise baby and toddler schedules. You’ll also be interested to visit the Frequently Asked Babywise Q&A page. I’ve compiled a list of 20 most common babywise questions and answered them! And finally, check out the Babywise Friendly Blog Network (BFBN) Posts. I work with a group of bloggers that are all Pro Babywise. We blog about and have all the information you could ever want on all of our blogs combined!


You’ll want to check out the feeding your infant page for all things focused on “eating”… breastfeeding, pumping, feeding solid foods and more!


I have 3 main pages that are focused on “wake” time and packed with all of the posts related to this content:


Sleep is where it’s really at! I know when you are in the first year of your baby’s life, you are VERY focused on sleep. I have two pages full of posts related to sleep:



If you are looking for printable resources to compliment your Babywise parenting focus, check out my Etsy Shop:

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