After about a week of fairly dry diapers in between naps and peeing on the toilet when offered or asked, and two really good days of it, I decided to just go ahead and potty train this weekend.
So, day 1 has commenced.
I have a million other potty training posts for what we’ve done leading up to this day. In a nut shell, Caroline is already poop trained and comfortable on the toilet due to our previous efforts. Today and the days to follow is all about pee training, learning that we ONLY pee in the toilet, and learning to identify when she has to go on her own and ask. To see previous posts click on “potty training” above, or scroll to the bottom of the post for each link.
Here’s what we are doing for potty training:
1. Offering the toilet frequently–
I guess I should say placing on the toilet frequently. Not only do I offer by asking her if she has to go, I tell her it is time to go try. I am placing her on the toilet a minimum of every 30 minutes (unless she asks to go sooner).
I also have her sit for several minutes. We’ve learned over the last several months that it takes her several small pees at times to be “done”. She’s also learned that and is doing bigger pees now. If this is your first time putting your little one on the toilet, however, expect lots of small pees before they are done. Wait 5-10 minutes if you aren’t sure!
2. Wearing underwear–
When Caroline woke up today I told her “you get to wear underwear today, like Mama does!”. I showed them to her and got her excited. She looked at my underwear, then pointed at hers and smiled. I told her that she no longer had to wear diapers during the day!
3. Praising for dry underwear–
Every so often I ask Caroline “are your underwear still dry?”. We look together. If they are I clap and praise and smile and get excited!
4. Praising for pee in the potty–
Even though Caroline has been peeing in the potty for quite awhile now, this is go time. So, we are praising every last drop!
5. Saying “uh-oh” to accidents–
Caroline is still just learning. So, if and when she has an accident, we are just saying “uh-oh” and explaining that we pee in the toilet not in our underwear. I also switch to saying “no-no”. She knows what no means. As long as there is no anger or disappointment in my voice I think this is ok and gets the point across effectively.
6. Going all in with naps–
I was undecided as to what I was going to do with naps. Her naps have been almost completely dry the last few days. This made me decide to either keep her in underwear or use training pants. Right before her nap today, I asked Caroline if she wanted to wear a diaper. She responded no.
I asked her if she wanted to wear her underwear. She said no. I asked her if she wanted to wear training pants. She said yeah. Lucky coincidence I’m sure, but I went with it since that made both her and I happy. I explained to her that she’s not in a diaper, so no peeing. If she needed to go she needed to call mama. I asked if she understood. She said “ok” and gave me a big head nod!
7. Nighttime can wait–
Since we are potty training early (18 months), we are skipping nighttime for now. It is too long of a period and her diapers are still too wet to tackle nights at the same time. We will have plenty of time later.
8. Keeping her entertained and staying in–
For at least the first two days we are not leaving the house. She is in underwear only and we have quick easy access to the toilet. So, we are keeping busy with puzzles, books, drawing, watering the plants outside, and even middle of the day bath play! Potty day doesn’t have to be a boring day!
Day 1 log potty training: (5 accidents and wet after nap)
-740 she hadn’t asked to go yet so I put her on….She peed and told me she was done 🙂
-750 she peed in her underwear, finished on the toilet
-800 she asked to go, didn’t go
-806 peed in underwear and is screaming while on toilet
It’s like she’s against potty training LOL she’s done better so many days before. I think the underwear are confusing her...
Mama’s already regretting this decision LOL
-And she peed while eating breakfast around 815/820 🙁 not going well LOL
NOTE: Started out different this morning vs other mornings for some reason, so that might be why. She usually sits on the toilet for a good 15 min around 730/740. Pees several times and poops. This morning that did not happen…
-845 put on toilet and she peed (hadn’t asked to go)
-920 hadn’t asked or had an accident so i put her on the toilet and she peed
-945 peed on toilet
-1010 obviously needed something. I asked if she needed to go potty and she said yes and headed in there. More pee in the toilet 🙂
-1050 pee on toilet after bath play
-1115 more pee in the potty 🙂 she also decided it would be really cool to lick her hands and wipe spit on my face…. Wtf??!? Haha
-1145 pee on toilet
-1205 pee on toilet
No accidents since 820
-Going good still! 1255 pee in the toilet! She’s napping in Gerber training pants! We’ll see how her nap goes. She totally acknowledged when I told her she’s “still in underwear and we need to keep them dry. Call mama if you have to go potty, ok?” She said ok with a big head nod! 🙂 crossing fingers that her nap isn’t disrupted LOL
– Adventure continues! Napped from 1-3. I usually leave her for a bit of quiet time if she doesn’t call. She hasn’t called. My mama stress is getting real LOL An awake child right after a nap will want to pee haha Trying to stay consistent and trust it. Looking at the video monitor there are no puddles to be seen (yet) LOL
-Must have just missed it. Went in at 320& she was sad and looked at her underwear….all wet. Poor thing. Might just go in next time.
– 350 pee in the toilet
– 420 more pee in the toilet!
– 434 riding on giraffe bike and peed…same thing that happened this morning. Wonder if it’s a coincidence or not…
– 505 I’m trying to get dinner together and I hear up up up. I was telling her I couldn’t at the moment of course lol. Finally picked her up and she had a couple drops on her underwear. Took her to the toilet and she instantly peed…a huge one…
– 520 peed at dinner table
This is not my favorite thing…
– 550 pee on the toilet
– 620 peed on toilet
– 640 peed on toilet
– 715 on toilet no pee
– 725 back on toilet pees instantly
Done for the night thank god!!!! (not doing night training yet)
Do I have to do day 2?!!??! LOL