Caroline just got back from her first trip. She did amazing on all fronts!
The plane ride: Caroline rocked this! I adjusted her schedule a bit for the day so that we could time things right. I wanted her to nurse right after we took off so I could help her pop her ears. She ate and then slept. She woke up with a little time left and played with some toys in my lap. She simply did amazing on the way there and back. Everyone told me that they had never seen such a great baby before!
Meeting new people: On this trip, Caroline met 2 great aunts, 2 great grandparents, an uncle and 3 cousins. She also saw her aunt and grandparents again. It was people overload for her. She handled it like a champ! She let her cousins play with her, kiss her, give her toys, take them away, jump, scream, etc. She was patient, tolerant, curious and loving. She was fine with other people holding her and interacting with her. She gave kisses and hugs and was generally content with everyone.
Great grandpa and 2 great aunts |
Great grandma |
Meeting her 3 cousins |
Keeping on schedule: For the most part, Caroline kept her schedule. She was overstimulated and overtired from all of the commotion, so her first nap was around 30 minutes long. She was still able to make it until 30 minutes before her usual next nap time. Her second nap became a nice long nap (2 hours). She put herself to sleep for bedtime until the last 2 nights. She needed 5 minutes of cuddling to go down for naps since she was in a new environment. On the last 2 days she was done, however. Both naps became 30 minutes, and bedtime was impossible. She wanted to be home. She was overstimulated by far and needed a break. Considering that we were on our trip for 8 days, I’d say she did pretty well at keeping her cool for most of the trip!
Trying new things: She tried new food, played with new toys, and interacted with new people. She did all of this without any complaints. She was flexible and easy going. Mama was proud!
Going potty: Caroline’s preference for pooping on the toilet did not go away on this trip. In the airport on our way to Atlanta, she had to go. I took her in and put her on the toilet. She was too distracted to go. This made me a bit nervous, because she wasn’t going to be home for 8 days, and she was going to need to poop! She adjusted very well, however. She went no problem at my parent’s house and even went in public restrooms twice! We were out to dinner when she had to go. It was a fancy Italian restaurant that I knew didn’t have a changing table, so I gave her time to go in her diaper and was planning on heading to the car to clean her up. I could tell she wasn’t going, however. I took her into the restroom and put her on the toilet. She went immediately. Then I had the task of cleaning up my 8 month old baby with no changing table! We managed… LOL!
On a side note, she is now peeing on the toilet as well! 99% of the time when I put her on the toilet, she pees as well as poops. I have no idea when she is just peeing throughout the day, so we are far from potty trained, but she is catching on so quickly!
Continuing to learn new skills: On this trip, Caroline mastered a couple of skills! A couple of days prior to our trip, I was mentioning to a couple of other mamas that she was refusing to try and help feed herself. Well that has changed. She is picking food up pretty well and getting it into her mouth all on her own now. She turned a corner with this while we were on the trip. She also mastered rolling in her attempt to crawl. She is really wanting to crawl, but when she tries, all she does is roll. Well, this got her rolling, rolling, rolling. I set her down on the bed one day, and in a couple of seconds she had rolled all the way to the other side. She had never done that before! We have a baby on the move now! No doubt crawling is soon to come as she is very focused on it and wants to move forward so badly.
See all of our potty training posts here:
Start as you Mean to go on (5 months old)
My Daughter Refused to Poop in her Diaper (7 months old)
Caroline’s First Trip
Potty Training Continued (11 months old)
Potty Training (the plan)
Potty Training Update (17 months old)
Potty Train is Still Going (18 months old)
Potty Training Survival Tips (from a pro)
Potty Training On the Go (my guest post on another blog)
Official Potty Training Day 1
Official Potty Training Day 2
Official Potty Training Day 3
Official Potty Training Day 4, 5, 6 and Beyond
The Best Potty Training Method in 10 Steps